Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
Sponsored by: Mercury Marine; Air Ranger Airboats; Haynie Bay Boats; Baysport Marine Victoria; Coastline Trailers; JL Marine; CorrosionX; Pure Fishing; and, Bob's Machine Shop.
This is the first report we've got up since before Hurricane Harvey hit. Our hearts go out to everyone that was touched by the storm and less fortunate. We came through with some tree damage but all of our people were safe and we didn't have any damage to our facilites. Consequently, we were proud to have immdediately opened the doors to First Responders. We welcomed 22 Texas National Guard Troops along with countless Saw Crews and other Firemen and support personell. We sheltered and fed the responders at no charge and did what we could to help the community get back on it's feet. Much of this was done by generator, lamp light, and ever present Natural Gas which powers our ovens and stoves. There was no water for a few days but it came back pretty quick. As the lodge stabilized shortly after the storm, we managed to put our assets toward the evacuation effort in Wharton assisting land owners and ranchers access their property by airboat.
With such a massive facility, there was a tremendous amount of preperation and in the aftermath, nothing is in the right place. Combine that with all the debris and tree damage, it's taken (and will continue to take) some time to get everything in the right place. We're pretty far down the road, and we're just very proud of our staff for all the teamwork throughout.
While there's no "good time" for a life altering event such as a catastrophic Hurricane. For operations such as our looking to get back on our feet, the timing was actually pretty good. The cool front of recent days has delivered strong wing-shooting for Early Teal. Inland flooding has receded leaving us with a fresh stock of Alligators and really pretty decent logistics. So, we're getting back into the flow with Teal and Alligator Hunters having great success.
Inbound, we've got lots of fishing ahead and we'd like to thank all of our clients for their patience and letting the dust settle. We've also got to thank everyone for the offers for help and checking on our well being after the storm.
There's lots of chit chat about all the new "structure" in the bays. Every Hurricane rearranges the bays, typically for the better. Shell reefs that you know like the back of your hand are now completely different than they were before the storm. Some may have disappeared and others will be completely reshaped. These events set up a strong backdrop for excellent fishing and will for years to come.
Airboat Redfishing Trips
Fall is a great time for an airboat trip with hungry swarms of Redfish working the back reaches and environs of our marshes. Capt. Chris Cady; Capt. Jeff Larson; and Capt. Jeff Garner do a great job aboard our fleet of 3 Air Ranger Airboats. These
Flounder Gigging Report
With the scouring of the bays, bottom grasses and dead grass mats have been removed which will open a lot of new sand pockets and zones along shorelines for some easy pickings. From now thru October, we look for some great night time action on the gigs.
On The Horizon
We'll be looking for continued cool fronts from the North to set us up for a great Fall Pattern that should be advantageous for wade fishermen and boat fishermen alike. Come see us!
Planning A Trip, Check our availability HERE
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The fishing is always best when you can get away!
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge
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