As I said in a report last week, with our duck season closed until the 12th, we are shifting into "high goose gear". Weather seems a little bit more advantageous but the fields are in horrible condition. Rain, more rain, threat of rain, rain in the forecast, and then somemore rain, and by the way "it's raining", ok misting.
Some of our birds are hung up, of course, in a failed corn field and that row crop is something to behold when it's wet. We pulled off an 81 bird shoot out of it this morning with the Jack F. party including all of our Specks and the rest being a mixture of Snow and Ross including this "Blue Phase Ross" beauty. Capt. Jake Huddleston was on the calls.
The only high ground in this rotten field is a road that bisects the property. With about 3 dozen full bodies, we managed to get about "mid-field" and set up with foot pits on the edge and surround them with tall corn stalks. Fortunately, walking in the row crop near our setup wasn't that bad as the geese had stomped it down pretty good. No doubt, the birds will be back in it shortly but we at least put a dent in them.
We did our best to pick up the cripples but "sailers" were just beyond retrieving. We probably left another 15-20 in the fields, getting around is just next to impossible and deep walking into the fields "is impossible". The dogs did the best they could. There's a few pictures of what the Caracara's and Buzzards were up to just in the short duration of our hunt.
We'll take some more weather, maybe trim the rain back a bit so we can at least get around without doing $1,500 worth of damage everywhere we go.
We are trying to fill some spots around Christmas week if anyone can make it. We've got a few openings the remainder of this week.
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge, Inc.
109 W. Austin
Seadrift, TX 77983
1-888-618-4868 Office
361-785-4487 Fax
361-648-3474 Cell