Trout Fishing
After last years drought and tough Trout fishing I think most are putting forth "cautious optimism" concerning Trout fishing as we move forward into the summer. San Antonio Bay and environs are fishing pretty clean right now with some familiar patterns and timing. We may be running a little late on the calendar relative to recent years but "old school" timing is about right. The lodge welcomed Jim Beam Global along with Glazer's Dist. over the weekend. Friday found some quick limits on Trout to 20" along with a rogue trophy 27" Trout on Capt. Doug Russell's boat. I managed to set the pace with limits coming aboard quickly followed by Capt. Jake, Capt. James, and Capt. Chris with near limits. Fishing the Mike Z. party on Saturday found more hot Trout fishing with limits hitting the boards in short order. We are working various contours including sand/grass and shell in ESB and SAB freelining live Croaker.
Small World
It's always amazing how small the world is here at The Lodge. The occasion at The Lodge was partially to preview a new product called Maker's Mark No. 46 (hitting the shelves in 6 weeks). Anyone that knows me knows I don't drink anything alcoholic let alone "know much about it". For those that do partake, fine Bourbon and the likes seems to have a popular following. Well, the Mike Z. party arrived at The Lodge and sure enough, three of the guests were "Maker's Mark Ambassador's". They got to sample the new No. 46 essentially hitting the Bourbon conosuer's jackpot as only a handfull of industry executives have tasted it. The Mike Z. guests were "all smiles" and Adam gave them a professional "tasting" exhibition which is something I didn't even know existed! Pretty impressive.
Bait Status
With shrimp prices skyrocketing due to the BP Deepwater crisis, our shrimpers have been running full tilt. Excessive shrimping can and is taking a toll on finfish bait size, quality, and quantity in our area presently so you might revisit bait camps for an update on the new landscape.
Deepwater Horizon
God Bless the families and workers devestated by the BP Disaster. I find myself thinking of the situation and have been monitoring it constantly. We wish everyone "God's Speed" in this solution.
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge, Inc.