New websites are in final stages of completion, look for their publication shortly.
Fishing Scene
Lots of Spring cleaning and clean up after duck season and a lot of balls up in the air but, not a whole lot of fishing going on. Weather has been spotty and we've been getting quite a bit of rain here lately. The new Cats are all in now, Capt. James Eastep picked his up on Tuesday. Mine is getting the finishing touches on the aluminum work and Capt. James' will be heading up to Houston end of the week. The boats just look amazing all tipped with fresh 225 Mercury Pro XS motors, Yeti's, Power Poles and CMC's gorgeous metal work. For me, I'll be airboat fishing for the next couple of months and I expect a tremendous run on the Island and other back marsh environs.
We've also been getting some limited freshwater inflows, mostly from local runoff. Last week, we had 3.5" of rain and that should all help to freshen things up a bit and break that hyper salinity down a tad. An early Spring is definately in the cards, all our trees are getting ready to blush green and our plantings are all blooming.
We hope you have a great weekend, come see us!
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge