Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
Sponsored by: Mercury Marine; Air Ranger Airboats; Haynie Bay Boats; Baysport Marine Victoria; Castaway Rods; JL Marine; Pure Fishing; Corrosion X; and, Bob's Machine Shop.Trout limits to 23" and improving Redfish predictability in big winds today boat fishing for Capt. James Cunningham, Capt. Jake Huddleston and I. Wade fishing reports yielded Redfish limits for Capt. James Eastep with half limits of Trout. Capt. Chris Cady put up solid Black Drum limits but light numbers of Redfish by Airboat. Lots of water in the back back marsh and many locations extremely fresh and tea stained are giving him fits. Sight fishing is non-existent right now. We are all working bait over all structure at present.
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Capt. Kris KelleyCastaway Lodge1-888-618-4868 www.seadriftbayfishing.comFacebook: Castaway LodgePinterest: Castaway Lodge